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`Name of Oedipus` to be premiered here

Posted March. 09, 2001 17:35,   


They were husband and wife and were horrified to learn that they were also son and mother. Oedipus and Jocasta are the symbols of tragic fate in Sophocles` tragedy ``Oedipus the King.`` Now a new play has arrived based on this classical work.

`The Name of Oepidus,` to be staged in the Freedom Theater at the Seoul Arts Center in Socho-dong, southern Seoul from Mar. 13 to 18, attempts to reinterpret the story of the king of Thebes.

The author is French playwright Helene Cixous, a feminist theorist best known for works like `The Birth of New Woman` and `The Laugh of Medusa.` `The Name of Oedipus` was first staged as an opera at the Avignon Festival in France in 1978 but will be staged in Korea as a straight drama.

The play actually focuses on two characters named Oedipus and two named Jocasta, one being their public persona and the other being their inner self.

Show times are 3 and 7:30 p.m. on weekdays, and 3 and 6 p.m. on weekends. Prices range from 20,000 won to 30,000 won. For further information, call 822-534-9169.

Kim Gab-Sik gskim@donga.com