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[From readers] Details of product liability law need to be publicized

[From readers] Details of product liability law need to be publicized

Posted January. 27, 2001 18:37,   


The product liability law is to be implemented in July next year and consumers will then be able to demand a manufacturing company to take due responsibility for flaws in their products without having to resort to lawsuits.

For the law to function properly, both enterprises and consumers must be familiar with both the scope of the law and concrete precedents for it. Based on a survey by the Korea Federation of Small Business, however, it was discovered that over 40% of respondents were not aware of even the basic facts concerning the implementation of the law. This is a clear sign that the government authorities concerned have neglected their public responsibility. Moreover, there is evidence that local enterprises think they are immune to criticism that certain products are unsafe.

Domestic enterprises should map out proper measures to improve their products and consumers should make a point of learning the details of the law.

Kang Shin-Yong (Noryangjin-dong, Tongjak-gu, Seoul)