Posted January. 04, 2001 18:55,
The National Institute of Health confirmed Thursday that 140 foreigners infected with AIDS were recorded as living in Korea between 1985 and the end of last year and that 130 of them have left the country. The remaining 10 are currently residing in Korea under the assistance of religious and social groups.
A free health examination was provided to 4,478 foreigners residing in Korea from October to December last year. The results from the examination showed that aside from the 10 AIDS carriers, 88 were carrying tuberculosis, 15 were infected with sexually transmitted disease and 1,031 had other minor illnesses.
The National Institute of Health is trying to persuade the 10 foreign AIDS carriers to leave the country voluntarily. Based on past cases, they are all expected to depart in the near future
By gender, the 130 foreign AIDS carriers who had left Korea as of end of last year consisted of 112 men (86%) and 18 women (14%). By continent of origin, 75 were from Asia, 32 from Africa, 14 from North America, 4 were South America, 4 from Europe and one from Oceania.
By job, 61 had work visas (8 white collar), 19 were industrial students, 8 seamen, 3 teachers, 2 housewives and 4 unemployed people.