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First snow in Seoul

Posted November. 12, 2000 20:23,   


The Meteorological Administration reported that there was scattered snowfall in and around Seoul for over an hour beginning at 5 o'clock on Sunday morning. No sooner had the snow fallen than it melted on the ground or turned to sleet, making measurement impossible. Daechong-bong peak on Mt. Sorrak saw the first snow in the nation this year on Oct. 18.

The temperature stood at 0.5 degrees below the freezing point centigrade when the snow fell in the Seoul area -- 4-5 degrees lower than usual. The first snow came 15 days later than last year, but 7 days earlier on average than previous years, according to meteorologists.

The forecast for Monday calls for "generally fair but overcast conditions in many places in the afternoon." Meteorologists alerted drivers and sailors to the thick fog in many parts of the peninsula and off the coasts. The weather bureau also warned against dry weather that could be conducive to forest fires.

The minimum temperature in the morning will be 6 degrees below zero to 7 degrees, and the high during the day will be 8-18 degrees -- almost the same as or a little higher than Sunday. The central region around the capital city will have relatively chilly weather between 1 degree below zero and 10 degrees, the forecast said.

Kim Joon-Seok kjs359@donga.com