The time has come for women to be judged not so much by their good looks as by their inherent ability and professional dedication. (President of Kyungin Women's College student association Friday, commenting on the significance of "the Anti-Miss Kyungin Queen Pageant" sponsored by her school)
In order to realize my new ideal in remaking the state I will return to the political arena and walk its demonic path. (Former Rep. Hong Joon-Pyo in his recently published collection of essays)
The conference hall of the Seoul Asia-Europe Meeting could be called "an Olympiad of multilingual translation." (Kwak Joong-Chol, director of the Simultaneous Interpretation Institute of the Hankook University for Foreign Studies Friday, emphasizing the importance of simultaneous interpretation in the process of the global summit talks.)
It was inconceivable for a big-time thief once on the most wanted list to give a special lecture to students who will become senior police officers. ("Grand Thief" Jo Se-Heong Friday, speaking on criminology before students of police administration at Dongguk University.)