Posted May. 05, 2009 06:15,
The Supreme Prosecutors Office yesterday briefed Prosecutor General Lim Chai-jin on the results of its bribery probe into former President Roh Moo-hyun, with a warrant for his arrest possibly coming Wednesday.
Senior prosecutor Hong Man-pyo said, The briefing included the results of the prosecutorial probe of former President Roh and those of others concerned, confirmation of facts on key suspicions, and evidence, but didnt include a decision on an arrest warrant or indictment without arrest.
Senior prosecutors Lee In-kyu, Woo Byung-woo and Hong briefed Minister Lim in person. Lims deputy Moon Sung-woo and other senior prosecutors also attended the briefing.
Roh and his family are alleged to have accepted six million U.S. dollars in bribes from his financial supporter Park Yeon-cha, head of shoe manufacturer Taekwang Industry, and luxury watches worth 100 million won (78,500 dollars) as gifts for his 60th birthday from Park.
Lim will have to decide whether to indict Roh without detention or seek an arrest warrant as early as Wednesday after a review by the Justice Ministry.
Prosecutors also said they confirmed that former National Intelligence Service Director Kim Man-bok asked his staff in June 2007 to find a residence in the United States for Rohs son Gun-ho.
They said they secured testimony that Kim was given the request by Jung Sang-moon, then Rohs senior presidential secretary for general affairs, and that a working-level official check it.