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10 Rules to Be a Better Congressman

Posted January. 17, 2007 06:42,   


Former member Toby Muffet suggested in Monday’s Washington Post ten keys to a successful parliamentary career.

Do not become a slave of the region. Local citizens and the nation want you to be acquainted with your work. Stay in Washington D.C. on weekends as well. Have dinners with those who do not have any requests of you.

Make friends with those who are not so obvious. Go to the gym and hang around with those who you do not know their party.

Sit with the opposition party when in the meeting hall. There are no reserved seats for the members of the Lower House.

Buy meals for lobbyists and learn issues. Lobbyists can be essential in understanding issues. Although the regulation prohibits members from being treated by the lobbyists, it does not prohibit members treating them.

Actively travel around the world. Just travel with expenses paid by the national treasury not by lobbyists or enterprises. Go and see Sudan’s Darfur, Israel’s Gaza Strip, Afghanistan’s Kabul and the North Pole’s ice melt.

Confront rebellions. Do not apologize for spending national treasure. You cannot satisfy every voter. There is no need to criticize someone like Hugo Chavez (Venezuela’s president). Everyone can attack that kind of targets, but where is the need?

Decide on your retirement period in your mind. You probably have seen many members who were around too long. Promise yourself that you will do something else before it is too late. However, do not tell this plan to anyone. It will cause you to become a lame duck and decrease efficiency.

Support the fund raising ban agenda in Assembly meetings.

Locate your staying place near Parliament so that you can work on unfamiliar agendas until late at night.

Look up at the Parliament dome often. Especially when you are going or returning from voting. If you do not have the tingle anymore, retire the next day.
