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Meetings of ruling party members held for 14 hours

Posted May. 24, 2024 07:55,   

Updated May. 24, 2024 07:55


"What is the unfairness and senselessness of the Yoon Suk Yeol administration? What would you write if you were asked this question on the street and requested to write your answers on a large whiteboard? What might ordinary people passing by have written?

The first meeting was held by a group of younger and more progressive members of the People Power Party, where members carried out a 14-hour discussion and wrote a letter of apology. It was a process of finding answers to the question. Most attendees were members in their 30s and 40s and had lost the April 10 general elections in the Seoul and metropolitan region. They were the ones who had a first-hand experience of the cold public sentiment toward the ruling party in the regions.

Their first meeting was to freely discuss any examples of unfairness and common sense violations. Fairness and common sense were the zeitgeist put forward by President Yoon during his candidacy. The meeting was intended to find the reasons for the party’s devastating defeat by exploring examples that betrayed the public, who trusted the president and the ruling party, with unfairness and senselessness.

The meeting attendees wrote examples one by one on a whiteboard placed in the meeting room. Thirty issues filled the whiteboard, including First Lady Kim Keon Hee’s suspected receipt of a Dior bag, the reintroduction of the Office of the Senior Secretary for Civil Affairs, the right of veto regarding the special prosecution law on Corp. Chae, and the relocation of bust sculpture of Hong Beom-do. Heated discussions took place regarding each issue, and the items that wouldn't be included in the letter of apology were removed.

After a briefing of the meeting, a question about why the issue surrounding the First Lady was missing was asked. “We will keep an eye on the issue as President Yoon Suk Yeol apologized for the unwise behavior, and the prosecution’s dedicated team is investigating it,” said a meeting participant. “Some participants were very hesitant regarding the issue. They looked very uncomfortable,” said a different source.

President Yoon recently had three rounds of dinner with first-time lawmakers. The newly-elected lawmakers reported that one of such lawmakers said he would serve as a warrior for the president. It might be a survival skill he learned from previous first-time lawmakers who released a written pledge and still won the elections despite the party’s record-breaking defeat. However, people only allowed 108 seats to the ruling party, barely over the threshold to deter constitutional amendment. It is highly misinformed if one believes that this means an order to become the president’s warrior.