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Haley endorses Trump calling Biden ‘catastrophe’

Posted May. 24, 2024 08:00,   

Updated May. 24, 2024 08:00


Nikki Haley, former President Donald Trump’s ambassador to the UN who vied for Republican candidacy in the Republican presidential primary, endorsed Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump officially for the first time on Wednesday, calling the Biden administration a “catastrophe.” Two and a half months ago, on March 6, she quit the party’s primary.

Asked which candidate – President Biden or his predecessor – is the right person for the White House, the former U.S. ambassador to the UN answered in a lecture at the right-wing think tank Hudson Institute on Wednesday that the country needs a President who supports its allies and holds its adversaries accountable, secures the borders, promote capitalism and freedom, and understands the significance of having a smaller national debt. She said that although the former president was somewhat incomplete from this perspective, President Biden was a “catastrophe,” announcing that she would vote for Trump. Haley, the former presidential candidate of Indian descent, has still been strongly backed by anti-Trump, non-Caucasian, and highly educated voters on the conservative side since she even quit the primary. She earned over 20 percent of the vote in the Indiana and Maryland primaries each this year. Her endorsement of Trump may have come across as bad news to President Biden, who has waited to attract her supporters.

Nevertheless, Haley has still been on not-so-good terms with Trump since their political fallout over the Republican primary. She commented that Trump should reach out to voters who supported her during the primary, pointing out that it would be better to suppose that her supporters do not stand with him. Her message seemingly intended to say that she would vote for him but disagrees with his moves.

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