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New Bedtowns Ailing from Consecutive Repair Suit

Posted October. 16, 2001 08:37,   


Besides Ilsan new city, other new cities in the metropolitan areas such as Bundang, Pyongchon, and Sanbon also are suffering from the aftereffects of weak and rushed construction.

The lawsuits for repair guarantee and the claims of compensation for damages have followed one after another in those new cities, which were built by the government`s policy to construct 2 million houses in the beginning of 1990s.

In Bundang, Pyongchon and Sanbon, the lawsuits were raised in 12 apartment complexes. Most residents won the lawsuit or settled with the builders. Two suits are on the process, and two suits are on the negotiation with the construction companies.

In case of A apartment in Sanbon, the residents filed a lawsuit of 3.5 billion won for repair, as the water leaked from the water pipes in the bathrooms and kitchens. The residents of B apartment are proceeding with the suit of 1 billion and 45 million won because of the incomplete insulation, and the cracks on the outside walls.

The residents living in B and W apartments of Pyongchon City won the repair cost from the builders through the lawsuit for repairs and damages. In case of B apartment, the court acknowledged the water leakage in basement parking lot, and the cracks on the outside walls in order to enforce the builders to pay the compensation for damages of 1.6 billion won. And the residents of W apartment also received 0.8 billion won for repair and the interest of 1.3 billion won.

The residents of H apartment and D aparment in Bundang City won 3 billion won and 0.6 billion respectively, and finished the repairing works. And another H apartment in Bundang City made a settlement with the construction company.

The residents of C, D apartments in Sanbon are negotiating with the builder on the compensation issue for the fall-off of bathroom tiles, the water leakage due to the cracks on outside walls, and cracks on the ceilings. But unless the negotiation goes well, they plan to file a suit for repairs and damages.

The residents of two apartments in Kiheung, Yong-In City, Kyonggi Provice, in which the debates on the troublesome development are taking place, also pursuing to file a lawsuit.

Nam Kyung-Hyun bibulus@donga.com