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PPP’s emergency committee filled up with pro-Yoon, legal members again

PPP’s emergency committee filled up with pro-Yoon, legal members again

Posted May. 13, 2024 07:47,   

Updated May. 13, 2024 07:47


The People Power Party’s emergency planning committee, established 32 days after its significant loss in the April 10 general elections, has again chosen pro-President Yoon Suk Yeol and former prosecutors. This strategic move by interim leader Hwang Woo-yea, who nominated pro-president lawmakers such as Yoo Sang-bum and Eom Tae-young, both of which were reelected; former lawmaker Jun Joo-hae who lost in the Gangdong-gu Gap district; and Kim Yong-tae, who became the youngest successful candidate in the April 10 general elections, as the committee’s designated members, is a clear indication of the party's direction. Pro-Yoon Rep. Jeong Jeom-sik, a former prosecutor who will serve his third term in the National Assembly, was internally designated as the ruling party’s chief policymaker, further solidifying the party's stance.

Under the leadership of Hwang, the emergency planning committee, a crucial body within the party, is composed of seven members, including Rep. Jeong and the party’s Floor Leader Choo Kyung-ho, who is an ex-officio member. Except for incoming lawmaker Kim and interim leader Hwang, the remaining five members are considered pro-Yoon. Notably, four out of the seven members are legal professionals: Hwang and Jun, who were judges, and chief policymaker Jeong and Yoo, who served as prosecutors. With its strong pro-Yoon and legal representation, this committee composition has raised some skepticism among the ruling party’s insiders about its ability to successfully revamp the party.

PPP interim leader Hwang and the ruling party’s new leadership will meet with President Yoon at a luncheon on Monday afternoon.

The committee members from the legal community, except Hwang, have previously collaborated in the 21st National Assembly’s International Committee of Jurists. Chief policymaker Jeong, a former prosecutor in charge of public security, and Rep. Yoo, who handled special investigations, bring their unique expertise to the committee. Those internally nominated as part of the emergency planning committee, including the chief policymaker, seek confirmation in a vote by the party’s national standing committee. The chief policymaker then undergoes a ratification process in a general assembly meeting. The secretary-general is determined once the emergency planning committee is set up, completing the party's internal procedures for the committee's formation.

권구용기자 9dragon@donga.com