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Fu Bao heads to China with 1,354 days of good memories

Posted April. 04, 2024 07:50,   

Updated April. 04, 2024 07:50


The giant panda Fu Bao left Everland 1,354 days after birth in South Korea with a crowd of her supportive fans saying goodbye to the country’s first celebrity baby panda.

A heartfelt farewell ceremony was held around Everland Rose Garden in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province on Wednesday morning as Fu Bao prepared to embark on her journey to China. Despite the somber weather, a staggering 6,000 fans, some of whom had arrived as early as 4:30 a.m., gathered to bid their beloved Fu Bao goodbye. By the time the amusement park opened at 10:00 a.m., their numbers had swelled to over 1,000, a testament to the profound connection they felt with this gentle creature.

As a special vehicle carrying Fu Bao drove into the venue at 10:45 a.m., her fans, overcome with emotion, sent her off in tears, shouting, “Goodbye, Fu Bao!” Holding an umbrella, they waved placards with Fu Bao drawn on them toward the vehicle, a poignant display of their deep affection for the celebrity panda.

Zookeeper Kang Cheol-won, affectionately known as Fu Bao’s grandpa, took the microphone and shared his heartfelt message with the baby panda, “I will be there to help you settle into your new home. Remember, you will always be our baby panda, even 10 years from now and beyond.” This reassurance from her caretaker was a comforting thought for Fu Bao's fans.

As the vehicle carrying Fu Bao drove out of Rose Garden, her fans were overcome with emotion. The rain mingled with their tears, creating a poignant scene. Many of her devoted fans found it hard to leave the garden, their eyes fixed on the closed gate through which she had departed just 30 minutes ago.

Amidst the tears and the rain, Fu Bao's fans expressed their heartfelt wishes for her new life in China. “I am grateful that she has shown us the power of love and attachment,” said Park Mi-jin, a devoted fan who would visit Everland to capture Fu Bao's moments almost every weekend. “I am eagerly anticipating updates on her life, even as she settles into her new home in China.”

After an emotional farewell, Fu Bao embarked on her journey to China. Accompanied by Kang, she flew in a chartered plane from Incheon International Airport on Wednesday afternoon. Her new home will be the Wolong Nature Reserve, a part of the Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries. Everland has plans to keep her fans updated on her life, in collaboration with China’s state-owned CCTV, ensuring that her journey continues to be shared with the world.

송진호 기자 jino@donga.com