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Korean intern teachers to use Canadian learning materials on Korean War

Korean intern teachers to use Canadian learning materials on Korean War

Posted August. 03, 2023 07:46,   

Updated August. 03, 2023 07:46


Korean intern teachers will be using teaching materials on the Korean War prepared by Canadian teachers in class demonstrations. Canada is a participant in the Korean War.

On Wednesday, the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs said that around 20 intern teachers attending 11 universities across the country, including six education universities, will be attending the 2023 UN Korean War participating countries held in Canada from Tuesday to Saturday (local time). The teachers will be creating teaching plans on the Korean War based on teaching materials put together by Canadian teachers and demonstrate before teachers of participating countries (the U.S., Canada, and New Zealand), and lead debates to promote teaching on the Korean War.

The event, hosted by the ministry and sponsored by the Korean War Memorial Foundation, was established in connection with the 4th World Congress. The World Congress originated from an academic seminar of American history teachers who were the second generation of UN Korean war veterans in 2013. Since 2020, the event has expanded to include social studies/history teachers from 22 UN Korean War participating countries to discuss learning materials on the Korean War.

This year's event will be held in Vancouver, Canada for two days kicking off on Aug 2. Korean Canadian Senator Yonah Martin will deliver a keynote speech and lead a panel discussion. Intern teachers will participate in luncheons with Canadian veterans and families, deliver letters of appreciation and pay tribute to the war monument, according to the ministry.

Sang-Ho Yun ysh1005@donga.com