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Confusion over ‘easy CSAT’ with 155 days left

Posted June. 17, 2023 08:04,   

Updated June. 17, 2023 08:04


President Yoon Suk Yeol's recent comments regarding the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) have caused significant confusion among students and parents, occurring just 155 days before the state-administered college entrance exam is scheduled to take place. Although the Presidential Office attempted to calm the situation on Friday by stating, "President Yoon was not referring to easy CSAT or hard CSAT," many students and parents still perceive this year's CSAT to be easier. With the president's messages constantly changing over the past two days, some individuals have expressed skepticism, saying, "It is becoming increasingly difficult to trust what the president says."

At 2 p.m. on Thursday, Education Minister Lee Ju-ho stated during a media briefing that he had been instructed by the president "to exclude topics not taught in schools from the annual exam." However, at 6 p.m. on the same day, the Presidential Office made slight amendments, stating that "the education ministry should exclude areas not covered by the public education curriculum from the exam." On Friday, it was further clarified that "while maintaining a fair assessment ability, it is essential to exclude areas not covered by the public education curriculum from the CSAT, as assessment ability forms the core of all exams."

Regarding this incident, Vice Education Minister Jang Sang-yoon informed reporters during a briefing on Friday afternoon that Yoon's remarks were regarding a "fair CSAT." A high school teacher in Seoul criticized the situation, stating that this confusion arose due to the president's limited understanding of the CSAT.

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