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KBL expels Day One for unpaid player wages

Posted June. 17, 2023 08:03,   

Updated June. 17, 2023 08:03


Professional basketball team Day One, which has faced numerous financial challenges including non-payment of player salaries, has been expelled from the league.

On Friday, the Korean Basketball League (KBL) conducted a board meeting and a general assembly resulting in the expulsion of Day One from its membership. This marks the inaugural instance of a participating club being expelled since the inception of domestic professional basketball in 1997. “Given Day One's persisting financial issues since its establishment last year and its consistent failure to uphold its commitments, we have reached the definitive decision that they lack the intention and capability to adequately manage the club," the KBL said.

During the KBL board meeting on May 31, Day One presented a financing plan to resolve issues such as delayed player wages. They were granted 15 days until Thursday to address the concerns. However, despite their efforts, Day One ultimately failed to prevent expulsion and was removed from the league after just one season.

Bo-Mi Im bom@donga.com