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Shelter for abandoned animals

Posted June. 03, 2023 08:28,   

Updated June. 03, 2023 08:28


There was a time when I single-handedly delivered a large volume of books. Sometimes, I carried them in my backpack, and other times I stacked them in a cart. Moving my belongings by myself felt natural. Even when I found myself panting in the middle of a steep incline or facing a long staircase, I never sought help. Then, a delivery person came running and, with me, pushed my cart brimming with books. He inquired if I intended to carry the heavy load alone and how far I had to go. I felt grateful for his help, but his question left a lasting impact. Having carried and delivered items daily, he understood the difficulty involved. Only those who have endured personal struggles can truly comprehend the profound nature of hardships, despair, pain, and sorrow. These experiences surpass the limits of feeble human imagination.

In our world, many people bear invisible burdens. At times, these burdens catch the attention of others, while sometimes, we perceive the seldom-seen burdens of others. When noticed by those who have endured similar struggles, these burdens can be shared. Though the weight remains unaltered, a vague sense of solace embraces us. Korean poet Kim Myung-ki aptly coined it as “sorrow notices sorrow” and asserted that “sorrow finds solace in a shared existence.” These words hold true and resonate deeply. Sorrow can only be consoled, shared, and eased by sorrow. Likewise, pain can only find solace, shared understanding, and alleviation in pain.