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S. Korea, US discuss meeting of nuclear consultative group

S. Korea, US discuss meeting of nuclear consultative group

Posted May. 25, 2023 08:00,   

Updated May. 25, 2023 08:00


South Korea and the U.S., which agreed to establish a nuclear consultative group through the ‘Washington Declaration’ last month, are reportedly discussing a plan to hold the group’s first meeting as early as next month. Through an early activation of NCG, which will discuss the operation of U.S. nuclear assets to counter North Korea's nuclear and missile threats, the two allies seek to speed up the strengthening of the nuclear umbrella (extended deterrence).

A Seoul official said Wednesday, “No specific date has been set for NCG's first meeting, but we understand that discussions are underway to hold the first meeting as early as next month or no later than July." Another official said, "We are discussing the matter while keeping open the possibility of holding (the first meeting) in Seoul.”

At NCG, the South Korean and U.S. delegations will discuss U.S. nuclear and strategic weapons deployment plans, as well as how to jointly plan and execute a response to a North Korean nuclear attack on the South, including specific ways to combine U.S. nuclear forces with the South Korean military’s advanced conventional weapons capabilities. The outcomes of the meeting will be reported immediately to the presidents of the two countries. The deployment of U.S. strategic assets, including strategic nuclear submarines (SSBNs) and strategic bombers, to the Korean Peninsula will also be discussed.

Kyu-Jin Shin newjin@donga.com · Hyo-Ju Son hjson@donga.com