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Posted May. 20, 2023 08:02,   

Updated May. 20, 2023 08:25


Daytime temperatures are rising, and it is hot these days. We need shade. Life is challenging and not accessible, even for the most diligent individuals. Our legs and minds crave shade after a long day of running. This shade can be prayer, meditation, rest, travel, or whatever brings solace. It's not play we seek; it's the refuge of shade. Today, I bring you exactly what we need.

"Apricot" depicts a scene in which shade, born outside of a person, moves into the person. The shade of the tree under which I sit today evokes the memory of the hand shade he gave me in the past. The hand shade he provided has now permeated my soul and taken root. When someone offers you a hand shade, it is equivalent to saying, "I love you." Sometimes actions speak louder than words. The love I received can fill my soul, even from one's hand. It is like energy, capable of filling the voids in your life. Love can bring meaning to life, help endure life, and maintain life.

It was my mother who provided me with a hand shade. She willingly opened her hands to shield me from the scorching sunshine. As the poem suggests, memories have a lasting presence in people's lives. In the upcoming summer, I want to hope for a life of remembering, making, and sharing the shade.