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Israel-Palestine conflicts elevate after death of hunger striker

Israel-Palestine conflicts elevate after death of hunger striker

Posted May. 04, 2023 07:56,   

Updated May. 04, 2023 07:56


The death of Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s leader Khader Adnan on a hunger strike in an Israeli prison on Tuesday escalated tension between Palestine and Israel. As the former, infuriated by the hunger striker, fired rockets toward Israeli territory, the Israeli forces responded with air strikes on the Gaza Strip, only adding fuel to the fire.

Israeli fighter aircraft initiated all-out air strikes not only on weapons manufacturing facilities but also on Hamas-run military camps in the Gaza area, which caused Hamas and Islamic Jihad troops to fire rockets in response, Reuters reported on Wednesday.

Despite the lack of legitimate procedures, Adnan mounted in-prison hunger strikes multiple times, criticizing Israeli authorities for imprisoning and detaining Palestinian citizens. Sent back to prison in February, he made unsuccessful requests to receive medical treatment during a series of hunger strikes. Right after he died, presumably due to their complications on Tuesday morning, 30 Islamic Jihad and Hamas rockets flew toward Israel.

Although both sides agreed upon a temporary truce to quell a sudden elevation of tension, things can turn around instantly because the fundamental solution to their conflicts remains elusive.

Palestinian protesters took to the streets to express anger and fury at the death of Adnan across the Gaza Strip and the West Bank of the Jordan River. Some citizens threw stones at Israeli military and police troops responding with tear gas and rubber bullets. Given the elevated tension and conflicts on both sides, casualties can occur anytime.

There is also a possibility that the ongoing disturbance can spread overseas. Iran, a relatively anti-Semitist and anti-Zionist nation, issued a statement on Wednesday to commemorate Adnan as a “martyr,” saying that his death was only another representation of the inhumanity and violence of Israel’s 70 years.

Sung-Hwi Kang yolo@donga.com