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Posted April. 29, 2023 08:04,   

Updated April. 29, 2023 08:04


In our youth, when our knowledge is limited, we find joy in many things. The slightly fascinating and the mildly new captivate us. As we learn to appreciate even the smallest aspects of life, the world seems to sparkle, giving us endless reasons to smile.

However, as we age, our interests often dwindle. The tasks we perform out of love decrease, while those born of necessity multiply. Amid the weight of our obligations, we struggle to find time to consider what truly brings us happiness. It is during these times that poetry becomes more essential than ever. The beauty of poetry lies in its brevity. A poem can be read and absorbed in a matter of minutes, allowing us to discover a piece that resonates or a poet we admire. In that brief moment, we can reconnect with a past filled with heartfelt affection. The act of recovering our lost passions is, in itself, a priceless endeavor.

Take, for example, the work of poet Lee Seong-bok. Though not always easily defined, his poems exude a palpable energy that touches our hearts. They convey a sense of desolation, yet are replete with emotion—lovely and poignant in equal measure. Lee's work reminds us that the world is not merely a place filled with money and material possessions; it is also abundant with meaning, gazes, and heartfelt connections. As we immerse ourselves in his poetry on a quiet, weathered evening, the whispering voices and dancing leaves gently knock on the doors of our hardened hearts. Through reading, we rediscover the things we once held dear and, in turn, learn to appreciate ourselves more as connoisseurs of verse.