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Spielberg does not believe in vengeance

Posted April. 12, 2023 08:07,   

Updated April. 12, 2023 08:07


"To quote Anne Frank, I think she's right when she said that most people are good," answered Steven Spielberg in an interview after he unveiled his latest film "The Fabelmans." Anne Frank in Spielberg's quote is the very Jewish girl we know well who wrote the famous daily journal and believed that people are good inside despite the spread of hatred and brutality at the time.

Based on the autobiographical story of himself and his real-life parents, Spielberg, now in his late 70s, reportedly made the film, tearfully and dearly missing his parents while touching upon the racism at that time. Fictionalized Sammy Fabelman represents a young Steven Spielberg. He suffers anti-Semitic abuse, both verbal and physical, in his new high school after he and his family moved to California from Arizona. But he never allows himself to give in to what could be deeply frustrating and despairing to some others. He continues with his dream of making a film someday, too. His strong will can be likened to what German philosopher Nietzsche called "the will to power." And his strong will drove him to complete his film and screen it at the prom.

Sammy's film at the prom contains footage of his classmates having fun at the beach. He glowingly highlights all the aspects of the star, one of the cruelest bullies who targeted Sammy. The bully, who knew his image in the film was not real, thought Sammy was mocking him and confronted him in a rage. Sammy just wanted the bully to be nice to him 'for five minutes.' That moment epitomizes the beauty this film seemed to represent, the beauty of forgiveness and generosity.

Just like Anne Frank, Spielberg believes that people are intrinsically good. Jewish himself, that is precisely why Spielberg did not divide Jewish assassins and Palestinian terrorist groups into good and evil and rather focused on humane aspects of both in his movie "Munich" made based on the 1972 Munich Olympic Games terrorist attack. Spielberg does not believe in the politics of vengeance. And his philosophy conveys warmth, depth, and hope through his movies.