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Seoul, Washington to cooperate in bio-health and youth entrepreneurship

Seoul, Washington to cooperate in bio-health and youth entrepreneurship

Posted March. 09, 2023 07:43,   

Updated March. 09, 2023 07:43


Scheduled late next month, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol’s state visit to the United States is expected to deepen their cooperative relationship in the fields of cutting-edge bio-health and youth startups. It implies not only President Yoon’s determination to make bio-health one of the nation’s core strategic industries but also his efforts to extend cooperation to state-of-the-art technologies, aerospace, and future generations for the sake of the comprehensiveness of their alliance.

Cutting-edge bio-health is one of President Yoon’s top priorities, along with AI, quantum technology, and aerospace development on the list of the 12 national strategic technologies issued by the South Korean government. He said in a meeting on strategies for the creation of new bio-health markets held on Feb. 28, “The administration will work actively to create a Korean version of the Boston Cluster where startups and young entrepreneurs start business and take the lead.” The Boston Cluster is one of the world’s largest biotech clusters in Massachusetts.

National Security Advisor Kim Sung-han told reporters in Washington, D.C. on Tuesday (local time), “We will seek ways to secure new growth engines in nuclear technology, aerospace, energy, and cyber technology and facilitate individual-level interactions among young generations in the two countries.” He focused on the significance of youth and future generations, adding, “After all, every summit talk and consultation on national interests aim to give them hope and opportunities.”

With President Yoon’s pledge to consider science and technology the centerpiece of governance, he is highly expected to visit relevant regions or local colleges on his visit to the United States.

Kyu-Jin Shin newjin@donga.com