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Chinese poetry reminiscent of children's song

Posted February. 17, 2023 07:39,   

Updated February. 17, 2023 07:39


Here is a poem titled “Ode to the Goose” written by Luo Binwang, a poet early in the Tang dynasty. “Goose, goose, goose. You bend your neck towards the sky and sing. Your white feathers float on the emerald water. Your red feet push the clear waves.” It does sound like a child with a pure and innocent soul. In fact, it was written when the author was only a seven-year-old boy. However, we can come across other poems that are written by grown-ups but similar to children's songs. They differ from other Chinese poems with relaxing and far-sighted vibes or a solemn, serious voice.

This poem, only dedicated to fireflies, is one of the greatest examples. Without any complicated comparison or frills, it only sings for fireflies. Indeed, it is a tribute to the simplicity and purity of a children's soul. This poem sounds refreshing, unlike other pieces of Chinese poetry. The final phrase is inspired by the story of Che Yin, a Jin dynasty politician studying under the light of a makeshift lamp brightened by fireflies. Given that the anecdote is well-known among children, it does not harm the poem's atmosphere, which reminds us of a children’s song. Another example is “The Wind” by Li Jiao. “The wind that blows September’s leaves. Can open February flowers. Can raise on the river three-foot waves. And bend ten thousand bamboo poles.” It describes the wind's mild but firm quality, but the idea inside sounds like a children’s song.