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Chung Mong-joon, Kissinger to discuss issues involving Korean Peninsula

Chung Mong-joon, Kissinger to discuss issues involving Korean Peninsula

Posted January. 09, 2023 07:36,   

Updated January. 09, 2023 07:36


Asan Institute for Policy Studies Honorary Chairman Chung Mong-joon discussed issues related to the Korean Peninsula as well as global challenges with former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.

According to the Asan Institute for Policy Studies on Sunday, Honorary Chairman Chung asked former Secretary Henry Kissinger to pay a continued interest to security issues regarding South Korea and provide insightful views at a luncheon held in New York last Thursday (local time).

Former Secretary Henry Kissinger emphasized that South Korea and the United States should use collective wisdom to resolve North Korean issues based on their firm cooperative relationship, adding that the denuclearization of the regime is not only essential in bringing peace and stability across Northeast Asia but also works for China.

Kissinger served as national security adviser to President Richard Nixon and as secretary of state under the Ford administration. Visiting South Korea as a graduate student at Harvard University in 1950 during the Korean War, he submitted a report titled “U.S. Strategy” to the U.S. government of that time, which later provided the foundation for figuring out how to respond to communist groups.

Jae-Hyeng Kim monami@donga.com