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President Yoon determined to uproot union corruption

Posted December. 22, 2022 07:46,   

Updated December. 22, 2022 07:46


President Yoon Suk Yeol pointed out that labor union corruption is one of the three major corruptions, along with public corruption and corruption in businesses, which should be eliminated from our society and emphasized the need for strict law enforcement. While the president prioritizes labor reform among reforms in several other areas including education and pension, he showed strong resolve to combat union corruption, such as accounting fraud. On Wednesday, President Yoon delivered an opening remark before the Finance Ministry’s presentation on the 2023 economic policies, where he emphasized the need for institutional overhaul and reform to get rid of corruption and outdated system that hamper growth and development.

“Above all, labor reform is our priority,” President Yoon said, stating that he would reform the labor sector to make accounting practices more transparent. “Korea has overcome many hardships during and after the Asian financial crisis. Our businesses could perform on a global scale thanks to stronger transparency in accounting practices.” The president reiterated that labor movement and union activities could prosper only when they are based on transparent accounting practices. The ruling People Power Party has proposed a bill to prevent labor unions’ fraudulent accounting practices, in support of the government’s labor reform.

Su-Young Hong gaea@donga.com