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Waiting for spring flowers

Posted March. 11, 2022 07:51,   

Updated March. 11, 2022 07:51


A song with an earnest waiting for spring. Around ‘ipchun,’ which marks the onset of spring, the signs of spring start to appear but it is too early to smell spring flowers. New Delicate sprouts catch the poet’s eyes in February. Flowers are yet to blossom but sprouts are the sure messenger of spring so it brings unexpected joy to people who endured a long winter. However, snow may also be unsatisfied with the slow coming of spring. It lands on branches as if it is a flower to urge spring. Spring flowers are already being scattered in the mind of the poet.

Snow and flowers are often compared to each other. The Korean word ‘song-ee’ is used to count both flowers and snow. Poem phrases such as, “A spring wind must have blown overnight. Pear blossoms are out on every tree” and “Blossoms and falls in the air. White leaves shatter by the wind. The flowers that fall first in spring days,” are examples. It is nothing new to compare snowflakes to flowers. Compared to the poems of Han Yu who is known for the strange and dangerous poetry school, such a comparison is rather bland. Deep lyricism and plain expressions are typical of his time. It is very unlike his other poems that feature strange thoughts, unusual letters, and difficult expressions and therefore were differentiated from the mainstream poems of the time. “Du Shi and Han Bi,” which refers to Du Fu's poetry and Han Yu's ancient prose, is fitting for Han Yu who was the originator of the Tang and Song’s prose.