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Zoned out under light

Posted February. 12, 2022 07:18,   

Updated February. 12, 2022 07:18


Umberto Eco’s “On Ugliness” talks of artists of medieval times in pursuit of reproducing light in arts. Believers used to marvel at divine illumination coming through the sophisticatedly glazed window glass of a cathedral. Many civilizations identify light with gods such as Ra in Egypt and Ahura Mazda in Persia. All humans must have wished to be embraced and surrounded by such a holy aura of light.

Even with divinity taken out of the equation, light still has great significance for people in the modern era. Well-lit houses facing south are commonly preferred by residents. Light is crucial for the growth of plants as it drives photosynthesis. Likewise, it is the best source of health for humans to stay well mentally and physically. Indeed, light is an indispensable element for all creations.

However, we have rarely been blanketed with an intensively high level of light throughout the lifetime because illuminance of our time is kept at the proper levels at all times. Given this, let me introduce you to a poetry of light. Not sure of what light really signifies - love, people, experience or whatever – in this poem, the author seems overwhelmed and dazzled by the light of unfiltered roughness. Such an intensity of illumination is described clearly as a staggering posture taken as if there were a bruise or a stabbing. If we have a shocking experience where a ray of light can even give us a bruise, it will turn our daily lives subdued in boredom upside down. Regrettably, we are left thirsty even for a slit of light in a poorly lit environment. This is why we wish to be covered with the capes of light.