Birds are not envious of human beings, but we humans are envious of birds sometimes. The feeling of envy arises when someone else has something that I desire but do not possess. Is there any reason we are envious of birds, which do not own a car, money or anything? Yes there is. Birds have things that we don’t possess. They have wings and can enjoy takeoff, skies and freedom. Birds themselves might not know they are free. However, we envy birds. More accurately speaking, we are envious of birds’ freedom to fly wherever they want, rather than jealous of the birds per se. When considering that we are envious of birds, freedom is a valuable virtue without a doubt.
We always walk on the street. There are roads open for people and paths for pedestrians only, as well as the public etiquette of walking on the right. The fact people receive public education, get jobs, have children and live life also constitutes walking along the road. Roads that are visible and others that are invisible overlap and repeat to create humans’ life. But sometimes we feel as if we are being chalked to death walking along the road. We also become doubtful when we hear others say this route is better and you should take this path.
This poet seems to have had such a period in life. The poet, who is stuck on the ground, holds up his head and watch the sky. The only thing that he or she can is to point fingers to trace the flying trajectory of birds. On the other hand, birds take off freely and energetically without reservation. They don’t care even though there are no fixed paths. In reality, birds are just a kind of symbol and occasion. We are looking at ourselves who want to fly into the sky freely, rather than the birds.