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Cuomo should resign if sexual harassment allegations are confirmed, says Biden

Cuomo should resign if sexual harassment allegations are confirmed, says Biden

Posted March. 18, 2021 07:24,   

Updated March. 18, 2021 07:24


U.S. President Joe Biden said that New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo (photo) should resign if allegations on sexual harassment are confirmed. U.S. media reports hint that the president has severed ties with the governor.  

In an interview with ABC on Tuesday, President Biden replied “yes” when questioned if he thought that Cuomo should resign if allegations on sexual harassment are confirmed, adding that he would probably end up being prosecuted as well. “It takes a lot of courage to come forward. So the presumption is that they should be taken seriously. And it should be investigated. And that’s what’s underway now,” he said.  

Only two days earlier had he taken a more cautious position saying that the investigation is underway and we should see what it brings us. Biden had been good friends with the governor’s father, the late Mario Cuomo, former governor of New York, but appears to have changed position as more Democrats demand Cuomo’s resignation. CNN sees the president’s remarks as the most recent repudiation of Cuomo.

Up to now, seven women have claimed that they have been sexually harassed by Cuomo, who had been hailed as a likely presidential candidate for the Democrats amid dealing with COVID-19 but recently faces a political crisis with allegations on covering death tolls and sexual harassment. Cuomo has declined on the allegations and refuses to step down.

Eun-Taek Lee nabi@donga.com