Washington’s military pressure on North Korea and China is cranking up since Joe Biden won the presidential race in November. The United States is deploying its military assets in Asia to keep in check North Korea and China, with a series of tests being conducted on America’s core strategic weapons including strategic bombers, stealth fighter jets, and intercept missiles.
According to multiple sources, the U.S. Air Force has completed forward deployment of its two F-22 stealth fighter jets, by removing them from Guam to Kadena Air Base in Okinawa, Japan on Sunday. Of the seven fighter jets transferred from the mainland U.S. to Guam in mid-November, two have been sent forth to the American air base near the Korean Peninsula.
Kadena Air Base is a launch base to strike the North in the event of contingencies on the Korean Peninsula. The F-22 fighter jet is capable of removing the commanding center as well as the nuclear and missile bases of North Korea without getting caught on their radar.
On Monday, one B-1B strategic bomber, which is also known as the swan of death, flew from Guam to be seen near the East Sea. It appears that one of the two B-1B bombers stationed in Guam was on a mission on Friday.
“The Biden administration is dispelling the concern that he might make a more lenient and lukewarm response to North Korea’s provocations and the challenges from China compared to Trump, and at the same time he is warning Pyongyang and Beijing against making the wrong judgment,” said a military source.
Sang-Ho Yun ysh1005@donga.com