French philosopher Gabriel Marcel defined the human nature to move around as “Homo Viator,” which means a person who travels. Since the global COVID-19 pandemic has inhibited overseas travel, homo viators started to look for domestic travel destinations that involve as little contact as possible with others.
The top 20 best sellers of travel books at the Kyobo Book Center last year were all themed with overseas travel. But from early this year, monthly best sellers of travel started to include domestic travel books, and 14 books in the top 20 best sellers last month were about domestic travel. Online bookstore Yes24 and Aladdin also had 10 and nine domestic travel books, respectively, in their top 20 best sellers last month.
The concept of domestic travel is contact-free. A book even has a copy that goes “Little-known travel destinations that you can’t find on social networks.” “Island travel guide” highlights clean travel spots and introduces 45 islands in Korea. It also has information on pet-friendly accommodations and islands that are suitable for camping. “Beautiful temples in Korea” recommends mountain temples, which provide temple stay programs and other activities. Books about Jeju island, which is rising again as a honeymoon destination, hidden travel spots near the capital area and cycling trips, are also popular.
A travel map book is also included in the best sellers’ list of travel books. “Aiden travel maps Korea” includes an A1-sized map of Korea and information of tourist spots throughout the country. “Tabula Rasa,” a publisher that published this book, gets out another travel guidebook that introduces tourist spots on local maps last month. “We wanted travelers to set their own routes rather than following the routes of travel blogs,” said an insider of the publisher. “An increased demand for domestic travel has boosted a demand for travel maps as well.”
Go-Ya Choi