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Kia Motors to launch 7 electric cars by 2027

Posted September. 17, 2020 07:50,   

Updated September. 17, 2020 07:50


Kia Motors has revealed the blueprint of its business structure for the electric vehicle era prior to its launch of next-generation electric cars next year. The company showed a strong will to prepare for every part of the electric vehicle ecosystem, from car manufacturing to after-sales service for batteries and charging.

Kia Motors announced on Wednesday that President Song Ho-seong revealed the drawings of electric-only models and the company’s business strategy for the electric vehicle era at its plant in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province on Tuesday. Electric-only vehicles will not include a gas or diesel internal combustion engine.

President Song revealed a total of seven electric-only vehicles from a sedan to an SUV. Kia Motors will launch seven electric models after introducing its first model in 2021 under the project title CV. He also presented a target of electric vehicle sales accounting for 25 percent of the company’s total car sales by 2029.

The auto manufacturer is working on the reorganization of its business in preparation for the upcoming electric vehicle era. It plans to improve the quality of cars by ensuring the largest interior space among the same class based on the E-GMP platform dedicated to electric vehicles.

Kia Motors will also develop additional businesses, such as car subscription service, battery rental, and used battery sales, beyond the sales of cars.

It will also expand after-sales service and charging platforms, in which electric-car buyers are keenly interested. The number of electric-only service workshops will increase from current 84 to 1,200 by 2030 while installing 1,500 charging stations at dealerships, service centers, etc. by 2030. The Hyundai Motor Group’s plan to install 120 high-speed charging stations by next year is also accelerating.

Hyung-Seok Seo skytree08@donga.com