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Spring semester could be delayed again

Posted March. 23, 2020 07:38,   

Updated March. 23, 2020 07:38


Concerns over the quarantine in schools after the start of the spring semester on April 6 are persisting as the spread of the virus continues. Those within and outside the educational sector say that schools should prepare for another postponement of the spring semester as students are bound to stay close to each other in classrooms.

The Ministry of Education and local education offices will deliver a safety guide for schools, which includes guidance on school meal services and classroom rules, within this week. According to the guide, lunch will be served in the classroom at extended lunch time and students should wear face mask. But some point out that it is not enough to fundamentally prevent infection.

Pundits say that schools should review possibilities of introducing a fall semester, suggesting starting a new school year in September, not in March as the COVID-19 pandemic has affected universities as well as primary and secondary schools. The presidential office Cheong Wa Dae is reportedly reviewing the possibilities of introducing the fall semester.

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