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A new airport for Machu Picchu to be built with Korean technologies

A new airport for Machu Picchu to be built with Korean technologies

Posted October. 28, 2019 07:33,   

Updated October. 28, 2019 07:33


Korean companies including Korean Airports Corporation (KAC) and Dowha Engineering has been selected as the Project Management Office (PMO) by the Peruvian government for the construction of Chinchero International Airport. This is the first time a Korean consortium won a bid for the construction of an airport against its U.S. and European competitors that usually dominate the market.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transportation said on Sunday that it signed a contract on Thursday (local time) with the Peruvian government for the Chinchero International Airport project, which has the consortium of four Korean companies as a PMO. The Peruvian government has tried to build a new airport to promote the tourism industry by accommodating a growing number of visitors to Machu Picchu. The contract was signed between the two governments, making it the first government-to-government contract in infrastructure.

According to the agreement, KAC, Dowha Engineering, Kunwon Engineering and Hanmi Global will manage the project on behalf of the Peruvian government. The new airport is expected to host five million passengers a year located 50 kilometers from Machu Picchu.

Ho-Kyeong Kim kimhk@donga.com