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'Trump could win 270 electoral votes,' says CNN

Posted November. 05, 2016 07:18,   

Updated November. 05, 2016 07:37


The U.S. presidential election continues to bring uncertainty as the race is coming to an end on next Tuesday. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton had been a sure winning bet for some time before the announcement about new FBI investigation into emails, which is now shaking up the presidential race.

According to the Washington post-ABC poll on Wednesday, Clinton led Trump by 2 percentage points at 47 percent to 45 percent. However, Trump was up 3 percentage points at 45 percent to 42 percent of Clinton in Rasmussen poll on the same day. Clinton and Trump were tied at 44 percent in IBD poll.

On top of that, it seems that Trump is increasingly winning more number of electoral votes, which is the game that could set a path to become the next president. Presidential candidates must win more than 270 electoral votes out of 538 on its way to White House. Even the pro-Clinton CNN predicted that Trump could win as many as 290 electoral votes. University of Virginia professor Larry J. Sabato's Crystal Ball, an online website for electoral analysis, forecast that Clinton will win 293 electoral votes, down from 352 votes last month.

워싱턴=이승헌 ddr@donga.com