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Air pollution affects brains causing cerebral apoplexy

Posted June. 11, 2016 08:26,   

Updated June. 11, 2016 08:47


A research result shows that air pollution adversely affects not only lungs and heart but also brains.

According to the British daily Guardian, Valery Feigin of Auckland University of Technology analyzed cerebral apoplexy research data at 188 countries from 1990 to 2013, and found that air pollution accounts for 17 percent, and indoor pollution 16 percent to cerebral apoplexy risks. The research results were posted on the latest issue of the medical journal Lancet.

According to the analysis, air pollution thickens the artery blood vessels in brain or makes turbid blood, while raising blood pressure, ultimately affecting cerebral apoplexy. Globally, 15 million people suffer from cerebral apoplexy annually and 6 million die among them. Also, 5 million people lose eyesight or voice, or suffer from body paralysis.

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