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Oh Se-hoon joins 17-under national football team, grabs a once in a lifetime opportunity

Oh Se-hoon joins 17-under national football team, grabs a once in a lifetime opportunity

Posted October. 22, 2015 08:09,   


Oh Se-hoon, member of the 17-under national football team, grabbed his once in a lifetime opportunity by scoring a winning goal. He came on as extra time substitute at the game with the Republic of Guinea and also joined the 17-under national football team at the last minute.

Starting football when he was a second graded in elementary school, Oh was called on by the national team while at a training session in Mokpo in August. His chances for entry for the World Cup were uncertain when he was first summoned. “I had a phone conversation with the coaching staff of the national team, who said they can’t guarantee whether Oh can make it to Chile,” said Park Ki-wook, coach of Hyundai High School in Ulsan. Nevertheless, Oh showed full vitality and sincere training attitude in September at the Continental Cup in Suwon, which is considered the final mock test before World Cup. “I’m proud of Oh who made it to the World Cup all by himself and also scored a decisive goal afterwards,” said Park.

A defender in elementary school, Oh changed to a striker position while in Hyundai Junior High School in Ulsan. Now in his first year in Ulsan High School, Oh serves as joker. “In the team, Oh came on as second half substitute and scored a winning goal," said the coach. "He is a prepared striker and has a goal decisiveness."

Oh, 185 centimeters tall and weighing 70 kilograms, inherited robust physical strength from his father, and strong motive nerves from his mother who was a handball player. “I thought his father was a volleyball player. When I first saw him he was 192 centimeters tall, said the coach. “I was thrilled that the coach allowed my son play as substitute for the second half extra time," Oh`s father said while cheering for his son with his colleagues at work. "I’m more than proud of my son for scoring a goal.”

Ahead of the game with Guinea, Oh’s father had suffered heartache as his son was struggling to get a chance to play as a starter. Oh failed to play at the game with Paraguay, the final warm up game under the South Korea team`s head coach Choi Jin-chul. Feeling worried, he asked his son how many substitute players there were at the game against Paraguay. At the game against Brazil team on Sunday, his son was a substitute player but failed to score. When Oh Se-hoon said, “I did play hard but opportunity never came to me," his father consoled him by sending a text message, “Do your best. I love you.” His son eventually rewarded his father’s faith with a fantastic goal.

“My youngest son’s goal was a precious gift not only to me and my wife, but also to our first son. Three years older than Se-hoon, our first son was a football player until ninth grade, but had to give up due to injury, the father said. “The youngest son learned football from his older brother, and achieved his brother’s dreams." After the game with the Republic of Guinea, Se-hoon called his father and said, “Dad, I scored a goal. Did you see it?” His father smiled brightly saying, “Se-hoon is a good left footer. I knew he would make it when the ball slipped on his left side.”
