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Despite voters’ judgment, pro-Roh group continues mindless comments

Despite voters’ judgment, pro-Roh group continues mindless comments

Posted July. 16, 2013 00:24,   


A week after the 2007 presidential election, Ahn Hee-jung, governor of South Chungcheong Province wrote a posting on his website “We’re the perished family.” It was his harsh self-reflection on the defeat in the presidential election citing “the perished family (referring to a family that can no longer get a high-ranking positions due to huge crime committed by ancestors,” a word that Jeong Yak-yong, a scholar of pragmatic Confucianism of the Joseon Dynasty, used to call himself. The then ruling Democratic Party lost the election by the largest margin of 5.3 million in its history. In fact, voters judged the Roh Moo-hyun administration through their votes.

The pro-Roh Moo-hyun group, which lowered its stance calling itself the perished family, started to move again in the wake of Roh’s death. It successfully chose Moon Jae-in, the presidential chief of staff of former President Roh, as its presidential candidate through mobile voting but failed again in the following presidential election. After the defeat, the Democratic Party abolished mobile voting, which was allegedly rigged. Even after the defeat, the pro-Roh group spit out vulgar words without reflecting on itself. On Sunday, Lee Hae-chan, the Democratic Party’s standing advisor and key person of the pro-Roh group, rudely called President Park Geun-hye “you” and “Who killed Park Chung-hee (President Park’s father)?” It was only one day after the brouhaha that Rep. Hong Ihk-pyo of the Democratic Party said the president “should not have been born.”

Rep. Moon said last Tuesday, “Last year’s presidential election was significantly unfair and President Park took the benefit.” This reflects the pro-Roh group is not willing to accept the election result. The denial is a repeated repertoire that has been carried out even before releasing the result of the investigation into whether the National Intelligence Service intervened in the presidential election or not. When the presidential election assessment committee of the Democratic Party held the pro-Roh group responsible for the defeat in the presidential election in April, the group made an immediate counterattack.

The pro-Roh group may comfort itself for the people’s judgment on the “perished family” is over because the margin in the presidential election last year narrowed to 1.08 million votes, or one-fifth of the results of five years ago. But 45 percent of Moon’s votes came from Rep. Ahn Cheol-soo, according to the opposition party’s presidential election assessment committee. Some say that the group’s offensive comments and standing in the center of the controversy of the northern limited line (NLL) seem to target local elections slated for next year.

I am asking the pro-Roh group. Do you really think that the opposition party lost in last year`s presidential elections because of the threads posted by the National Intelligence Service? If the Democratic Party is swayed again by the pro-Roh group with no self-reflection, there will be no future for the party.