Posted June. 17, 2013 04:41,
Edward Snowden, 29, who leaked the situation of the U.S. governments collection of personal data and surveillance, is found to have transferred to Hong Kong media Internet protocol addresses of Hong Kong and China that the U.S. National Security Agency hacked. Hence, when and where the U.S. hacked will likely be revealed sooner rather than later, heralding major stir.
The South China Morning Post, which held an exclusive interview with Snowden, reported on Friday that the data that Snowden handed over includes specific dates and IP addresses the National Security Agency hacked over the past five years, saying details will be publicized through additional analyses. The newspaper said the data suggests that the success ratio of the National Security Agencys hacking exceeds 75 percent, and provides specific records on whether hacking attacks are still ongoing or have been completed.
If all of the respective IP addresses that the U.S. hacked are made public, how Washington collects cyber information will likely be publicized to a significant degree. Organizations and individuals who were hacked could file legal complaints against the U.S. government. Snowden said, This data shows how the National Security Agency was able to successfully hack (foreign countries) servers and computers, and frequencies.
Chinese media is upping its criticism of the U.S. The state-run Global Times blasted Washingtons hypocrisy on Friday by introducing a German media report, which satires U.S. President Barack Obamas 2008 election slogan Yes We Can as Yes We Scan.
Some analysts say that the Chinese government, which is enjoying windfall due to the Snowden scandal, is trying to hide its sense of satisfaction. They say Beijing judges that it has secured an important cause that will enable it to effectively counter Washingtons offensives against Chinas cyber hacking against the U.S.
Asked what Beijing would do if Washington demands Snowdens extradition at a regular press briefing on Friday, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying said, We will continue to watch unfolding situations of the incident.
While Snowden continues to stay in Hong Kong, Robert Muller, the director of the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation, told the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday that criminal investigation is underway, and his agency is stepping up efforts to take Snowden into custody. He stressed the disclosure has seriously damaged U.S. national security and public safety. It is the first time that a ranking Washington official has officially confirmed ongoing investigation of Snowden.
Bloomberg reported Thursday that the U.S. House Intelligence Committee is investigating what connection Snowden has with China. Committee chairman Mike Rogers said there are many questions including why Snowden went to Hong Kong, how he continues to stay in Hong Kong, and whether the Chinese government is cooperating to support Snowdens stay there.
Meanwhile, the device Snowden used in stealing classified information from the National Security Agency has been found to be USB memory stick. The Los Angeles Times reported on Thursday that use of USB sticks at intelligence agencies are banned in principle, but exception can be applied to network managers such as Snowden through a special approval process.