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US to Adjust Timing of Sanctions on N. Korea

Posted July. 15, 2010 13:51,   


The U.S. will reportedly flexibly adjust the schedule for its announcement of sanctions on North Korea.

Analysts say Washington will likely announce its own sanctions in phases after examining if Pyongyang’s friendly gestures following the U.N. Security Council’s presidential statement condemning the Cheonan sinking will bring about practical measures for denuclearization.

A diplomatic source in Washington said Tuesday, “North Korea is showing friendly gestures, expressing interest in general talks with the U.N. Command in South Korea following the U.N. Security Council’s adoption of the presidential statement. So Washington is closely examining Pyongyang’s response.”

Following the adoption of the presidential statement, the North stressed efforts for denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula through the six-party framework, expressing its intent to return to the nuclear talks.

The source also said, “The U.S. administration judges that if the North puts forward practical measures for denuclearization, additional sanctions against it could dampen such efforts by Pyongyang.”

The U.S. government denied, however, that it has shelved or postponed planned sanctions on the North, adding it is preparing sanctions for use at anytime unless Pyongyang takes practical steps for denuclearization.
