Posted June. 10, 2010 13:56,
A South Korean major general leaked secrets on Operational Plan 5027-04 to a former South Korean spy, intelligence and prosecution officials in Seoul said Wednesday.
The investigation into the leak was expanded after authorities secured a statement from the former spy.
Devised in 2004 and revised afterwards, the plan is the blueprint for the South Korean militarys attack and defense in case of a full-fledged armed provocation by North Korea. If Pyongyang did get details of the plan, a revamp is in order.
The former spy told intelligence and prosecution officials, The major general gave me rough information on the South Korean militarys attack and defense plan under Operational Plan 5027-04 on a map.
The major general is said to have explained to the former spy the infiltration and attack routes of the South Korean Army and defense and restriction lines in case of a war by drawing arrows and lines on a map of the Korean Peninsula.
National security authorities are investigating whether the map or a map redrawn was sent to Pyongyang based on information the former spy got from the major general.
The former spy reportedly sent dozens of maps of South Korea, including a detailed map of Seoul via a North Korean spy based in Beijing. He took pictures of the Yellow Seas coastlines and sent them to the North, according to prosecutors.