An investigation team is seeing if metal pieces found where the naval ship Cheonan sank are made from the same material of a North Korean torpedo found in 2003.
Defense Ministry spokesman Won Tae-jae told reporters Thursday that experts are trying to find out if the metal pieces are of the same material of a North Korean torpedo without a warhead found on the southern coast seven years ago.
He said the torpedos discovery does not necessarily mean the North attacked the South, adding it could have drifted to the South. The National Institute of Scientific Investigation is said to be analyzing the metal pieces.
Officials close to the joint investigation team said the aluminum pieces are of similar quality to the torpedos screws, something which military authorities deny. The team also discovered an explosive chemical substance used to make torpedoes and the aluminum scraps, confirming that the metal pieces are not used in South Korea.
Based on the findings, Seoul and Washington will likely blame Pyongyang for the Cheonan sinking.