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Reinstatement of Incentives for Military Service Mulled

Posted October. 09, 2009 07:41,   


The Military Manpower Administration and the Defense Ministry are considering the reintroduction of incentives for military veterans in recruitment.

The move is aimed at eradicating draft dodging and promoting the observation of compulsory military duty.

The manpower administration will reportedly present comprehensive measures including tougher punishment for draft dodgers and the reintroduction of the recruitment incentive system to the parliamentary defense committee today as part of the National Assembly’s audit of the government.

A Defense Ministry source said yesterday, “After the incentive system was ruled unconstitutional for infringement on gender equality in 1999, more men have felt disadvantageous over completing their military duty and the significance of military service has been considered as waning.”

“Granting incentives for those who finish their service in hiring by the government, public organizations and private companies will help motivate servicemen and cultivate a sound culture of military service.”

Women’s and civic groups are opposed to such benefits, however, saying the incentives were ruled unconstitutional, and violate equality for women and the disabled, the right to become civil servants, and the freedom to choose occupations.
