Posted June. 08, 2009 08:38,
A U.N. Security Council draft resolution condemning North Koreas second nuclear test is expected to block Pyongyang from all ballistic missile activities.
The resolution seeks to a moratorium on the North`s missile tests, vessels sailing to and from the North to be searched in open waters, and a ban on the countrys weapons exports.
Diplomats from the five permanent council members - the United States, Britain, France, China and Russia -- plus South Korea and Japan drew up the draft resolution and sent it to their governments for approval, a U.N. official said Saturday.
We are in the last stage for the adoption of the new resolution, but have yet to reach a consensus, the official said. "China opposes certain issues such as searching vessels in open seas, so the possibility of the draft`s revision cannot be ruled out in the process of getting approval from key council members.
Based on responses from their governments, diplomats from the seven countries will draw up an agreed draft and send it to members of the U.N. Security Council for a vote.
A government official in Seoul said, Given Chinas opposition, a watered-down resolution is likely.
The draft urges North Korea to renounce its nuclear program in a comprehensive, verifiable, and irreversible way and return to the Nonproliferation Treaty.
It allows toughened cargo inspections in international waters under approval of the country of the flag carried by vessels. In addition, the new resolution will prohibit U.N. member countries from supplying fuel to North Korean vessels suspected of carrying cargo banned by U.N. Security Council Resolution 1718, except for those operating for humanitarian purposes or having undergone inspections or capture.