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Why NK Chose June 4 for US Journalists` Trial

Posted May. 20, 2009 03:05,   


North Korea announced June 4 as the trial date for two U.S. journalists. The date holds high meaning for the communist country since it was the day a Korean guerilla battle was fought against the Japanese in 1937.

Then anti-Japanese army commander Kim Il Sung mounted an attack in the area of Bocheonbo in Kapsan County, South Hamkyong Province, in the first such domestic operation at that time.

By holding the trial this day, Pyongyang might want to show a spirit of standing tall and strong before the world’s superpower to its people, and send the United States a message that since the trial is over, follow-up measures depend on the U.S. attitude.

In 1968, North Korea captured the USS Pueblo, an intelligence vessel, and claimed a political victory – an “apology from the United States” in return for releasing the captured crew, exploiting this as an opportunity to increase internal unity.

Similarly, the North could choose to take full advantage of its detention of a South Korean employee. Pyongyang could release the worker June 15, the day the two Koreas held their first summit in 2000.

The North could say, “We are the one that wants to honor the spirit of reconciliation and cooperation enshrined in the June 15 joint statement to its people and the world."

Of course, this is a possible scenario if the South shows a bit of "respect."
