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Obama Says Pyongyang Has Nuclear Weapons

Posted July. 25, 2008 10:16,   


“While the United States was refusing to talk with North Korea, the reclusive regime developed eight units of nuclear weapons.”

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, who is on a visit to the Middle East, said during an interview with CBS in Amman, Jordan, on Tuesday.

On a remark made by a CBS anchor that “your comments to sit face to face with Iranian leaders have triggered many criticisms,” Obama said, “Tough diplomacy doesn’t symbolize weakness, but strength.” However, he did not present information sources backing his claim that North Korea has eight nuclear weapons.

Obama has made these remarks to stress the importance of diplomatic efforts in dealing with nuclear issues, according to experts. But he has provided a source of controversy by pinpointing the number of North Korea’s nuclear arms, which implies that he admits North Korea’s status as nuclear possession state.

Until now, the official stances of both South Korea and the United States have been that “North Korea secured nuclear materials (plutonium) that can make eight to 10 nuclear weapons.” Though Pyongyang declared itself a nuclear weapons state after staging its first nuclear test in October 2006, the international community including Seoul and Washington has not acknowledged Pyongyang’s claim.

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