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Violent Protester Gets 18 Months in Jail

Posted July. 19, 2008 09:25,   


A demonstrator, who committed violence against police in the candlelight vigil rallies against the resumption of U.S. beef imports, was sentenced to jail term.

The Seoul Central District Court sentenced Friday a 44-year-old man, identified only by his surname Lee, to 18 months in prison and a fine of 200,000 won on charges of obstructing official duties and wounding police officers. He was indicted of wielding steel pipes against police in the recent candlelight vigil protests.

“Lee, who has been sentenced to fines eight times for acts of violence, participated in the rallies under the influence of alcohol, and wielded clubs and steel pipes as if to vent his anger stemming from his miserable situation. We considered the fact that his violent acts contributed to the protests, which were supposed to raise issue with the government policies, turning violent,” the court said. “Even after the police ordered protesters to disperse, he continued to damage police buses, broke windows and hurt riot police.”

In the June 8 protest held in Sejongno, central Seoul, Lee beat a 20-year-old police officer surnamed Choi on the wrist, causing him to get treatment for two weeks, and also bashed a 40-year-old police officer with a police stick he forcefully took from police, leaving him with a contused wound.
