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Violent Protester Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison

Posted July. 08, 2008 09:20,   


A 44-year-old man identified only by his surname Lee was sentenced to three years in prison and 500,000 won in penalty in a Seoul Central District Court hearing on Monday on charges of obstructing justice and wounding police officers. He got caught after hitting police officers with an iron pipe in a recent candlelight protest.

The prosecution announced, “Lee has been convicted several times. Violent protesters must severely be punished regardless of the legitimacy of the candlelight protest.”

Article 144 of the penal code stipulates that people who injure public officers on duty with a dangerous weapon be imprisoned for three years or more.

Lee’s lawyer said, “Lee remembers hitting police officers with a club, but not with an iron pipe. He accidentally injured the police officers when he was drunk.” Lee extended his apology to the victims saying, “I deeply regret what I have done to the hardworking police officers and riot police.”

Lee was arrested on June 8 while protesting against U.S. beef imports for hitting the wrist of a 20-year-old riot policeman identified only by his surname Choi with an iron pipe and for bruising the head of a 40-year-old police captain identified only by his surname Lim with a club he took from a police officer.
