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[Editorial] Socialist Liberals Trying to Smother Democracy

[Editorial] Socialist Liberals Trying to Smother Democracy

Posted June. 18, 2008 04:14,   


Newspapers in a democratic society deliver the same facts from different angles based on their beliefs. Thus readers can choose from a wide pool of interpretations. Some papers are liberal while others are conservative. Likewise, some papers print tabloid junk while others are respected for their quality news coverage. Democracy guarantees equal opportunity in voicing conflicting opinions. Nonetheless, socialist liberals in Korea are turning people against each other and trying to smother a number of conservative voices in a kangaroo court.

Socialist liberals catered to the previous Roh administration and pocketed a lot while he was in power. In limbo after Koreans gave up on them in the last presidential and general elections, the liberals saw the light at the end of the tunnel in the form of American beef. About 700 members of the Citizens` Coalition for Democratic Media, the group constituting the core of socialist activism, recently surrounded The Dong-A Ilbo building and pasted on its walls and glass windows stickers reading “Go to hell, Dong-A!” The violent act threatened the roots of democracy, but authorities did nothing to contain the violent and bold disrespect for law. This is the reality in Korea.

The radical group is led by Semyung University professor Jeong Yeon-woo, Hallym University professor Jeong Yeon-gu and Park Seok-woon, a senior leader of the National People’s Solidarity, an organization under the South Korean chapter of the Pan-Korean Alliance for Reunification. They organized the attack on our newspaper, so we wonder what ideas and logic they teach their students. We are especially worried over how their radicalism affects their innocent students. The Supreme Court has ruled that the South Korean chapter of the alliance is an enemy organization, further raising our concern.

After ending a candlelight vigil, the thugs vandalized the buildings of three major Korean dailies, namely The Dong-A Ilbo, the Chosun Ilbo and the JoongAng Ilbo. They even pulled down Dong-A’s company flag and pasted it with stickers. Then the crude and violent vandals moved to KBS headquarters, chanting slogans defending the network’s president Jeong Yeon-ju. To the socialist liberals, KBS is an ally they should defend while the three major dailies are enemies to defeat.

Since Jeong took over KBS, the state-run broadcaster has guzzled up tax money worth hundreds of billions of won due to his irresponsible management. Furthermore, Koreans know that KBS presents biased news. Jeong had enthusiastically served the liberal administration of Roh Moo-hyun. With its umbrella now gone, KBS is misleading the public through its biased news. Jeong seems not to care about fairness and unbiased obligation as a tax-funded organization. The radicals have demonstrated that KBS is a sanctuary they must defend until the last moment.

Everyone at The Dong-A Ilbo once again promises to defend freedom of speech against all odds.