Posted June. 14, 2008 08:21,
The ruling and oppositions parties are likely to find solutions over their recent disputes as early as next week.
The Grand National Partys floor leader Hong Joon-pyo urged Friday the United Democratic Party lawmakers to attend the National Assembly, saying, Under the system of democracy, lawmakers should deal with every pending issue at the National Assembly. It is democratic to set up a special committee on the beef issue, discuss all the relevant issues including the Act on the Prevention of Livestock Epidemics and draw a conclusion.
Hong stressed, Recent disputes over U.S. beef have been generated since the government has not followed the process to inform the people of related issues. As seen in the case, the role of the National Assembly is not to breed discord among the people, but to settle disputes.
He also said, UDP floor leader Won Hye-young said UDP lawmakers would attend the National Assembly only when the revised bill is accepted. Apart from the issue of international trade, the National Assembly is not designed to take the demand of opposition parties. Won has reiterated cause. But, it is an old-fashioned way of politics to lure lawmakers with carrots.
Hong said, Now, its high time for the opposition parties to come back to the National Assembly and try to reach a consensus. I hope the National Assembly will open next week.
The UDP has officially stated that it would not attend the National Assembly unless the revised bill on livestock is accepted. But, some UDP lawmakers have argued that it would be better to deal with the issue at the National Assembly.
After visiting former President Kim Dae-jung on Thursday, UDP leader Sohn Hak-kyu said, I think we need to restore the role of politics and the opposition party. He added, We need to seriously consider the role of the UDP, and the role and status of the National Assembly, at the supreme council meeting Friday.
Sohn stressed, The public certainly want beef renegotiation. But, we have to think how to drive public sentiments, how to go along with the people while leading them, and what role the National Assembly should play. It is important to find ways how to collect the peoples opinion.